Wednesday, June 1

Cubs Not Dead Yet

Now Slightly Better Than Average

Even though Mark "The Franchise" Prior landed on the DL, the Cubs have finally figured things out. They've won five straight and eight of their last ten. Derrek Lee continues to sizzle; his .363-16-46 season leads the Triple Crown race.

Three reasons explain their current rise, in increasing order of importance:

1. Better hitting.

Last 5 games: .309 BA, 11.2 hits/game, 6.6 runs/game
Before: .261, 8.9, 4.2

The Cubs have unlocked the secret loophole to baseball: whichever team scores more runs at the end of nine innings automatically wins. They never had a huge problem with the pitching side, but the hitting has been frustrating. Granted, these robust numbers have been against the woeful Rockies and the sinking Dodgers, but you have to start somewhere.

2. Good karma.

You can give me billy goats, black cats, and Steve Bartman, but if the Cubs had a curse, its name was LaTroy Hawkins. Even when he pitched somewhat well, he lost. The Cubs invented ways to blow the game with two outs in the 9th with Hawkins on the hill. Last week the Cubs shipped him to San Francisco for two starters. Although I have no personal animosity towards Hawkins, the Cubs got a steal; I would have traded him for Barry Bonds' rookie card and a large pepperoni pizza.

3. Heavy threats.

Ignore both of the above. The real reason for the Cubs' recent success? Management said that if they lose again, they'll bring back Jeff Gordon to sing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame." Man, that was awful. (cheesehead salute: The Catholic Packer Fan)

UPDATE: Make that six straight victories, after the 9-5 win tonight polished off the three-game sweep of the Dodgers. Triple Crown leader Derrek Lee went 5-5 with a key late-inning three-run homer to keep the Cubs up for good.

Oh, and LaTroy Hawkins loaded the bases in the 8th inning while pitching for San Francisco against the Phillies; he then gave up a pinch-hit grand slam to Chase Utley. The Phillies won, 10-6.

Jeff Gordon is said to be in-studio working on an album with William Hung. -- MJM 6/2 3:05 AM

UPDATE II: The winning streak ended on Friday night, but the Cubs won the two weekenders to finish their West Coast road swing a robust 6-1. In their last ten games, they had more than 10 hits nine times, and won all of those games. Interleague matchups return this week, with a who-cares series with Toronto preceding the Red Sox-Cubs Curse-A-Palooza over the weekend. All billy goats get in for half-price. -- MJM 6/6 4:05 PM


Location: Mishawaka, Indiana, United States

I graduated with an English degree from the University Of Notre Dame in 2001, and in 2008 I have a day job that has nothing to do with my degree but gets the bills paid in a semi-regular fashion. (I have running water five days a week!) The idea is that once I get turned around on my bills, I go to grad school. I also have an idea for cold fusion. Anyone's guess which will be feasible first. In non-work mode, I'm usually reading columns by famous and well-read thinkers, blogs by critically praised writers, or sometimes blogs by overzealous cranks who make me laugh. I yearn to be all three at once; until then I'll settle for being the third. I also have an undying love for the Chicago Cubs and Notre Dame football. Praise them and I'll buy you a beer; curse them and I'll dump it over your head. If that's not enough, I'm becoming quite the fan of no-limit Texas Hold'em. My games have one of two results: I either win all the money or whine because I didn't win all the money.

marchandchronicles -at-

Fair warning: I reserve the right to post any and all criticisms and flames, in their entirety. Seriously. Just ask this guy.

July 2006
May 2006
April 2006
January 2006

January | February | March | April
May | June | July | August
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Essays on whatever I feel like writing about.

August 8, 2005: High Gas Prices
August 1, 2005: Judge Roberts' Hearings
June 20, 2005: Senator Durbin's Comments
May 23, 2005: Newsweek & Pepsi
May 2, 2005: Al Gore's MoveOn Speech
April 25, 2005: Lebanon
April 18, 2005: The Nuclear Option
April 11, 2005: Pope John Paul II
March 5, 2005: The Domino Effect
January 31, 2005: Iraqi Elections
January 24, 2005: Bush's Inaugural
January 17, 2005: Roemer, Dean & The DNC

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marchand chronicles has such massive readership and influence that it makes me weep.
—Glenn Reynolds


Damn right.


What's Your Line?


I absolutely love the name of your site.

Scott "Big Trunk" Johnson, Power Line
Just the name? Not the content? . . . I'll take it.

You have something in common with Dave Barry, Hemingway, and Mark Steyn: I'm not linking to them, either.


That's good stuff there Mark.

Dean Barnett, Soxblog
Psst, it's "Mike."

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St. Elsewhere
The Pulse: SIRIUS 9

All text and original images © MMVI by Mike Marchand/Marchand Chronicles.

Okay, so I don't really have a copyright. But I still don't want you ripping me off. Reprint it all over the Internet if you like, but give me proper credit and link back to me. Besides, if you're going to plagiarize, steal from someone with some talent.

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